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This Page is just for informational purposes,

please respect the Masquerade and not make reference to this unless I choose to share it with you.

The Salubri Clan

And so the Clans fell upon Us

They drove Us from Their cities

Hunted Us in the night

And named Us criminals and murderers

Why did They do this, many of Us ask?

Why were We accused of spilling the Vitae of Our Brothers and Sisters?

Why were We accused of burning Their Temples?

Why were We accused of murdering Their servants?

We who desire only serenity

We spoke gently to Them of Their mistake

They answered with wood, iron and fire!

We left Their Domains and abandoned Them to Their anger

They hunted Us beyond Their Domains wielding Their anger like torches!

We desired only peace

Some of Us tried to show Them Their erroneous ways

They were destroyed!

Some of Us set afire Their own Anger and fought Them in battle

They were destroyed!

Some of Us went to sleep in the Earth Mother

They escaped!

Some of Us believed Their accusations and killed themselves by the hands of Their Childer

They are fools!

And finally some of Us wanted to know Why

We became as silent and as unnoticed as the Shadows

We watched

We heard

We learned

We know

and We live still!

- Excerpt from the Scrolls of Salubri: the Book of Nights not Forgotten

If you are brave of heart and want to learn the history of my clan check out the links below:

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