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This Page is just for informational purposes,

please respect the Masquerade and not make reference to this unless I choose to share it with you.

This is the True Me

Prof. Joshua G. Blodgal

Born: April 9th 786 AD

Embraced: April 9th 814 AB

Age: 1200+

Progeny of: Rayzeel

Race: Salubri Vampire

Generation: 5th

Coven: not aligned

Disciplines: Obeth, Auspex, Auspex, Fortitude,

Joshua was man of learning, teacher of the village Agropoli just down the coast from Salerno. found a damsel named Rayzeel on the eve of the anniversary of his birth injured while out looking and pondering the lights in the heavens and took her in his humble home. She looked as if she had been set upon by bandits but he could not be sure. He treated and wrapped her wounds and left her to rest, in the night she came upon him as he rested and embraced him. As he lay dying in her arms she sung to him a song that still hunts his dreams and from time to time his lips to this day. When he awoke his eyes did behold a whole new world to learn. He stayed with her for a time learning of her past, her loves, her pains, the wisdom of Saulot and the path of mercy known as Golconda. She helped him to master the basic arts of Obeah bringing a new eye to see the world afresh.


Upon word of her Sire’s final death at the hands of the Tremere not even I could console her and finally she asked me to depart from her I walked the world for many years keeping contact with other Cainites to a minimal as the Tremere spread there lies and killed all our blood they could find. I went far to the east and studied with the Shaolin and other monks around the Land of Nod and farther East for a time learning the more advanced Discipline of Obeah just as my Sire’s Sire had. I had always been a man of peace but I also learned how to protect myself in my travils.


In time I found myself in the very heart of what was then the modern world. A city we now know as London but back then was known by its Anglo-Saxon name Lundenwic. A war had just ended among the humans, it ended with the signing of a treaty by King Alfred the Great and the Vikings, shortly there after another man named Edward the Confessor rose to the throne. I stayed to myself as I had since leaving my sire until I found my eyes landing upon a young Countess and I cannot swear to it but I think I had felt my heart beat once in all these long years upon seeing her. I knew her for a time, a fair maid or mind and whit. Sadly as with all things human it was not meant to last she took ill with the great illness that was sweeping all the land.


As she lay on her death bed I poured my heart out to her and told her plainly what I was and offered to turn her as my sire had done me so that me might walk the night together. Truly she loved me also but feared for her soul and made me a counteroffer for her hand instead of her blood, so were married and she died. I took her title to honor her memory and changed my name to Count Joshua Gabriel Blódgál.


I was so racked by grief after this time that even while the song of my sire did go round and round in my head I fell form the path and allowed my beast to take control to my everlasting shame. I was forced to flee that which I called my home for some years. I traveled to France, Italy, and Russia. In my travels I heard about the discovery of a New World and thought it might be a good place to rest. So I went to the Americas. I look around and came across a nice cave in the middle of the country. My heart still cried for the loss of the Countess so I went in to Torpor.


While I rested America got its freedom, spread out filling the land, got into a fight over whether it was ok or not to own others as property, a man named Lincoln made a speech and brought the land back from the brink, then he was killed. The country grew more till there were many states. I was awakened when a man was dragged in to my cave he was in the army. He had gotten into some gambling debts and someone got upset that he could not pay.


When he was shot his blood flowed to where I laid in the cave and revived me. I took the Privets Jay David’s Identity and a week later was back in the old country, as it had come to be called learning what has happen to the world and helping the fallen in the human’s world war as a cover. At the end of the war I went back to the states and tried to live my life. That is till the armed forces of the United States caught up with me and between the bodies drained of blood and wedding photo of me in England they determined who and what I was. A man came to the place I was staying and put all his cards on the table. It used to be so easy to hid who and what I was, ah how times change. I was given two options I could be hunted by them and have to flee again or I could work for them for a time in the new war that had just started.


So I was taken to a classified training facility and given a uniform with my name instead of the name of a dead man in a cave. It would seem I was not the only Kindred that Uncle Sam had conscripted. I was joined by four others. The human cutely called are little group the Coffin Force, a special unit of the 1st Cavalry Division. We were to take are orders from Military Intelligence. We were sent in for special missions where they felt it was too dangerous for regular soldiers. Most of which will be classified for 200 more years. I imagine after that it will be full of black lines even after that… Uncle Sam will not admit to Area 51 so he will never admit to the use of vampires. By the end of the war had the rank of Sergeant Major, had lost an eye at the hands of lycans, now replaced with glass. For my service a Presidential Pardon for past crimes agents the humans of the United States with the only stipulation that I would keep Vow to drink only Blood Bank Blood. This was alright for me do to the fact I could only drink blood that was freely given anyway.


Upon my return I and those that remained of my unit tried to form a coven of our own, one devoted to peace and understanding among the bloodlines. It did not last long when word got out I was of Saulot’s blood. My brothers in arms were killed and I fled. Since then I have taken odd jobs for those that don’t listen to the lies of the past and give a person a chance based on actions not words.


One such group honored me with a new title Marquis for my noble service to their house. I have served several covens as Keeper of Elysium, Teacher, and Humble Servant and through my service I have started to once again find the path.

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